GR YARIS: Things I Noticed After Delivery

Standing at a hairpin corner with elevation changes, the GR Yaris

It’s been about two months since the delivery of the GR Yaris (as of January 2021), and I’ve driven it for about 2800 kilometers.

In one word, if I were to express my impressions, it would be “excellent.”

Perhaps due to its excellent performance as expected, the online reputation of this car is quite favorable both domestically and internationally.

As for myself, I have no knowledge or driving techniques to comment on the performance of this car. (But I can still make logical connections.)

So, I probably think that what many people are saying about the greatness of this car in the media and on the internet is probably true.

The merits of this car can be found all over the internet.

Therefore, on this page, I would like to list the shortcomings of this car that Rikutsu-Kone-Taro actually felt.

Considering the origin of this car, the shortcomings mentioned here are trivial and negligible, but I think they might be somewhat useful information for those who are considering purchasing.

Firstly, it’s difficult to grasp the sense of the vehicle with this car. The beautifully bulging fenders, especially during parallel parking, can be quite annoying.

The visibility from the driver’s seat is poor. The position of the side mirrors is awkward, and the windows are narrow, perhaps to increase body rigidity.

Speaking of side mirrors, if there is an opportunity, I would like to create a separate page to discuss various aspects because the situation is not ideal. (I created a separate page. Click ‘here.‘)

In situations like using spiral roads in multi-level parking lots, where you move up and down using tight turns with a small radius, common in three-dimensional parking lots, the desired location is exactly hidden at the base of the mirror.

In terms of competition, probably turning with a small radius like in autocross, maybe similar to gymkhana.

It’s quite scary that in small radius turns, the place you want to see is exactly hidden behind the door mirror.

The ingress and egress are not good. The A-pillar smoothly continues to the roof, interfering with the head’s trajectory when getting in and out. Lowering the seat to the rearmost position each time you get in and out minimizes this interference, but it’s a bit of a hassle. The long doors both front and rear also significantly worsen the ingress and egress.

Also, because the width between the outer edges of the tires is unusually large, potential buyers considering parking spaces or automated parking spaces that are just the right size for this car should be cautious.

Rikutsu-Kone-Taro obtained a garage certification for the GR Yaris in a machine parking lot with a width restriction of 1810 millimeters, but on the first day of delivery, the wheel scraped against the edge of the pallet, and it was a bit disheartening.

For those seriously considering purchasing this car, I recommend seriously considering this parking issue.

Even if the body barely fits, the tires may not. If the tires are just right, it’s impossible to change the wheels from 8J to 8.5J or 9J.

If the neighboring car or wall is close, you may struggle to get in and out due to the long doors of the GR Yaris.

If possible, borrow a test drive car once and see if you can easily enter and exit the parking lot you plan to use or if the inconvenience of getting in and out is within an acceptable range.

Compared to the ‘daily use’ Peugeot 208 (an older model that ran 45,000 kilometers per year, later scrapped due to a total loss accident, and now replaced with a Nissan Note 4WD), this compact car, which is called the same, has significant differences in usability.

The term ‘compact car’ is not reliable in this case.

The rear seat is still small and dark. It’s probably more of a supplementary seat. For spouses or small children who don’t understand cars, it might be an unpopular space. The black interior lining of the ceiling and A-pillar may also be unappealing to women due to its claustrophobic feel.

Although the manufacturer’s representative probably knows that the white A-pillar lining reflects on the front glass and hinders visibility, many cars adopt a whitish color for the sake of openness. (Author’s note: The current daily car, Nissan Note 4WD, has measures against reflection. Click ‘here’ for details.)

In the GR Yaris, importance seems to be given to the visibility rather than the sense of openness.

Also, for those with small children, it’s advisable to equip a backup monitor or safety devices for that purpose.

If a small child sneaks into the blind spot from the rear of the car, it could be nerve-wracking when entering and exiting the parking lot. (Author’s note: This issue was resolved by installing an aftermarket backup monitor. Click ‘here‘ for details.)

One more thing, when bracing with the left knee against the center console in right corners, my knee and the shape of the center console are not compatible, and it becomes unusually painful. This might be a point for improvement. (Author’s note: This issue was resolved in ‘Things I Found Out by Introducing Full Bucket Seats [Part 1].’)

However, honestly, I, Rikutsu-Kone-Taro, am incredibly happy to ride such an amazing car.

What’s so great? The relationship between the act of driving and feeling the behavior of the car with the body is insanely enjoyable!

This concludes this time.

That’s all for this time.

If you are interested in other contents on this site,
Click here for ‘Table of Contents By Topic ‘.
Click here for ‘Pages About GR Yaris RZHP’.
Click here for ‘Pages About Nissan Note e-POWER 4WD’.
Click here for ‘Pages About OMDS(formary Olympus) OM-1’.
Click here for ‘Pages About Boating And Sailing’.


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