Introducing a Foldable Winch Handle to Sailers

写真2 折りたたんでほぼウインチの幅と同じくらいにした状態

We have introduced the Flipper folding winch handle from Easysea to Rikutsu-Kone-Taro’s beloved sailing cruiser (click here for product details), and I’d like to report on it.

The winch handle we acquired can take on the following three forms (see Photos 1, 2, 3):

Photo 1: Regular usage. The grip is upright.
Photo 2: Folded, almost the same width as the winch.
Photo 3: Grip is horizontal, providing the highest leverage ratio.

When wrapping the halyard (the rope used to hoist the sail) around the winch, the length of the handle can get in the way (as shown in Photos 1 and 3), requiring you to swing the halyard widely. However, by folding the handle (as shown in Photo 2), the handle doesn’t get in the way, allowing you to quickly wrap the halyard around the winch.

In single-handed sailing, the accumulation of many small repetitive tasks can lead to fatigue.

To sail safely for long periods, it is important to update small tools and techniques. Continuously seeking ways to conserve energy, no matter how small, can make sailing more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Recently, I have injured my side, so I will report on the actual sailing experience at another time.

That’s all for now.

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