Pages about Life Hacks. Life coud be Smooth and Easy!

In everyone’s life, troubles and problems are inevitable, but solutions are often already found for most of the difficulties. Utilizing the solutions discovered by such predecessors is one way to solve problems.

Let’s call the wisdom and insights of these predecessors here “life hacks.” Making use of the wisdom of many predecessors as nourishment for one’s own growth is referred to as “standing on the shoulders of giants.”

In this short and singular life, let’s quickly climb onto the shoulders of giants with life hacks and efficiently tackle problems that already have solutions.

And in the history of humanity (perhaps a bit exaggerated?), let’s devote ourselves wholeheartedly to challenges that are unique to ourselves, challenges that only we can solve.

Below is a list of hints for standing on the shoulders of giants. I would be delighted if it proves helpful.

  1. Click “Here” for the “7 Keywords for Growth”.
  2. Click “Here” for the companion book on “Fixed-Point Observation as Side Text for Seven Keywords For Growth.”
  3. Click “Here” for the dilemma of “Expanding Strengths? Improving Weaknesses? Which Is Better?”
  4. Click “Here” to begin growth by confronting weaknesses and shortcomings.
  5. Click “Here” for the method of transforming “Weaknesses” into “Areas for Growth.”
  6. Click “Here” for the renewal of value in middle-aged and senior talents, using programming and psychology as examples.
  7. Click “Here” if you’re pondering the first programming language – consider Excel VBA.
  8. Click “Here” to discover the wonders of Excel.
  9. Click “Here” to contemplate the value of going to college.
  10. Click “Here” for the value of using the Open University!
  11. Click “Here” to take psychology courses in college and obtain qualifications.
  12. Click “Here” to explore the enhanced receptivity achieved through self-learning.
  13. Click “Here” for the treasures of humanity in the Smithsonian Museum Group.
  14. Click “Here” to learn about the traps of life that compulsory education doesn’t teach.
  15. Click “Here” to acknowledge YouTube as an arousal device for interests.
  16. Click “Here” for suggestions on how to learn, starting with grasping the overall picture.
  17. Click “Here” for the valuable study time during a 90-minute one-way car commute.
  18. Click “Here” to understand why Japanese people can’t speak English.
  19. Click “Here” for a method to acquire English proficiency without studying abroad.
  20. Click “Here” for coping strategies during long waits at the hospital.
  21. Click “Here” for those who insist on immediate consultation without an appointment.
  22. Click “Here” for dealing with elderly male patients who shout angrily.
  23. Click “Here” for practical tactics for elderly patients and their families.
  24. Click “Here” for the issues of the medical profession in the United States (Part 1).
  25. Click “Here” for the issues of the medical profession in the United States (Part 2).
  26. Click “Here” to understand what makes a capable doctor.
  27. Click “Here” for encounters with rude but competent doctors.
  28. Click “Here” for good-natured and competent doctors.
  29. Click “Here” for kind but incompetent doctors.
  30. Click “Here” to explore why doctors always seem irritable.
  31. Click “Here” to understand why doctors don’t listen to patients.
  32. Click “Here” to unravel the mystery of doctors’ bad attitudes toward patients.
  33. Click “Here” to find out why doctors always seem off.
  34. Click “Here” to learn about the prevalent negative qualities among doctors from a patient’s perspective.
  35. Click “Here” to understand that doctors’ pride is not as high as it seems.
  36. Click “Here” for reasons why doctors’ pride seems high (Part 2).
  37. Click “Here” for reasons why doctors’ pride seems high (Part 3).
  38. Click “Here” to learn that current doctors are not necessarily wealthy.
  39. Click “Here” to discover the partial truth behind the myth “Doctors are rich.”
  40. Click “Here” for discussions on physician job opportunities and salaries.
  41. Click “Here” for strategies recommended by active doctors for successful medical consultations.
  42. Click “Here” for the advice to be specific in the examination room.
  43. Click “Here” for tactics when visiting a crowded hospital.
  44. Click “Here” for why being disliked by nurses is detrimental to patients.
  45. Click “Here” for things patients shouldn’t expect from doctors at the hospital.
  46. Click “Here” for why the phrase “Put yourself in the patient’s shoes” doesn’t resonate with healthcare professionals.
  47. Click “Here” to understand that healthcare institutions are service-oriented.
  48. Click “Here” for working experiences at an extraordinary clinic (Part 1).
  49. Click “Here” for working experiences at an extraordinary clinic (Part 2).
  50. Click “Here” to uncover the true nature of the medical crisis during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  51. Click “Here” for what to do if instructed by superiors or teachers to seek medical attention.
  52. Click “Here” for the relationship between costs, return expectations, and the number of attempts in the principles of success.
  53. Click “Here” for the healthy and productive use of the instinct for gambling!
  54. Click “Here” to debunk the myths about attracting luck and improving fortune.
  55. Click “Here” to understand why calling personal experiences “statistics” is inappropriate.
  56. Click “Here” for why the ability to hustle is more important than earning capacity.
  57. Click “Here” for what it takes to succeed in individual entrepreneurship.
  58. Click “Here” for why the law of the jungle is not accurate in the long run.
  59. Click “Here” for why commission-based pay and daily payment might not be worth pursuing, despite high earnings.
  60. Click “Here” to explore the significance of asking winners of rock-paper-scissors tournaments about the secrets of victory.
  61. Click “Here” for people who pretend to be rich and people who pretend to be poor.
  62. Click “Here” to differentiate between being frugal and being economical, noting that frugality is one step away from theft.
  63. Click “Here” for someone exceeding their aptitude – the one-armed guitarist.
  64. Click “Here” for someone exceeding their aptitude – Hilbert Serano.
  65. Click “Here” for Marni Maxon, the strongest ghost singer.
  66. Click “Here” for Frankfurt, a city of the few and elite. Click “Here” for Venezia, Italia.
  67. Click “Here” to glimpse the greatness of Americans through the rock formations of Central Park, New York.
  68. Click “Here” for the beauty and dirtiness of Paris, exploring differences in the concept of cleanliness.
  69. Click “Here” to think about Japan from an overseas perspective based on U.S. public documents.
  70. Click “Here” for musings on Moon Shot & Singularity, where central ministries also blow their own horns.
  71. Click “Here” for the client’s guide – disliked clients lose out.
  72. Click “Here” for the client’s guide (Part 2) – do not inconvenience the store and other clients.
  73. Click “Here” for the client’s guide (Part 3) – the tragedy of B2C.
  74. Click “Here” for the client’s guide (Part 4) – understand that professional services necessarily entail fees.
  75. Click “Here” to explore the true meaning of service.
  76. Click “Here” for the act of creating value as the essence of service.
  77. Click “Here” for the action of individuals creating value for others as the essence of service.
  78. Click “Here” for all those involved in the service industry.
  79. Click “Here” for embracing the results of giving one’s best, making everyone happy.
  80. Click “Here” for the opening of the door to happiness through acceptance of the present and the sense of progress.
  81. Click “Here” to understand that the phrase “small-minded” is a powerful diss.
  82. Click “Here” to reject mass production and avoid imitating geniuses.
  83. Click “Here” if you want to change your current life and start anew.
  84. Click “Here” for those who have no idea about income tax, residence tax, pension insurance, and health insurance premiums.
  85. Click “Here” for the “Risk of Medical School Entrance Exams” aimed at parents.
  86. Click “Here” for a message from an active doctor to high school students aspiring to become doctors.
  87. Click “Here” for practical health practices from an active doctor.
  88. Click “Here” for the health risks of overeating in middle and old age.
  89. Click “Here” to explore why Ibaraki always ranks at the bottom of popularity rankings.
  90. Click “Here” for the observations of “Reasons felt by Rikutsu-Kone-Taro when visiting other prefectures.”
  91. Click “Here” to ponder the type of death one desires.
  92. Click “Here” to learn about labor laws.
  93. Click “Here” to understand that studying law is an absolute must.
  94. Click “Here” to be surprised by the wage system for nurses.
  95. Click “Here” to distinguish between putting on a brave front and positive thinking.
  96. Click “Here” to consider harassment when there is a presumption of bullying and scorn toward subordinates.
  97. Click “Here” for long-term employees who engage in harassment.
  98. Click “Here” to understand that harassment arises from arrogance and contempt toward subordinates.
  99. Click “Here” for the difference between reprimanding and guiding, a decisive distinction in the workplace.
  100. Click “Here” for the difference between reprimanding and guiding (Part 2), where arrogance and contempt toward subordinates are the causes.
  101. Click “Here” for the difference between reprimanding and guiding (Part 3), emphasizing the importance of talent development.
  102. Click “Here” to grasp why reprimands don’t work in the workplace.
  103. Click “Here” for commonalities in organizations with decent performance but no growth.
  104. Click “Here” for ineffective superiors and senior colleagues with a sense of privilege.
  105. Click “Here” to ponder whether you are the talent sought after in the workplace.
  106. Click “Here” to contribute to the workplace and brighten the atmosphere.
  107. Click “Here” for commonalities in organizations with decent revenue but no growth.
  108. Click “Here” for confirmation surveys and guidance/recurrent education for problematic staff.
  109. Click “Here” for personnel issues in the workplace.
  110. Click “Here” for bosses and seniors with the diseases of “losing to arguments means death” and “apologizing means death.”
  111. Click “Here” for the coexistence of malice and social order in Japan’s spiteful actions.
  112. Click “Here” for the true meaning behind “The customer is God.”
  113. Click “Here” to grease the wheels if you want to climb the organizational ladder.
  114. Click “Here” to explore the sense of stagnation in this country, stemming from a lack of philosophy of death and intolerance of individual differences.
  115. Click “Here” for when work becomes difficult.
  116. Click “Here” for a recent experience with the rumored ChatGPT.
  117. Click “Here” for the differences between conservatism and innovation/liberalism, according to Rikutsu-Kone-Taro.
  118. Click “Here” for the true meaning of “buying something you really want will become a treasure 30 years later.”

To Be Continued! Stay tuned!

If you have interest in other content on this site, please click “Here” for the Table of Contents on this site.


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