Views On Life And Death Greatly Influence The Design Of Second Half Of Life

The influence of one’s views on life and death on the design of second harlf of life is significant. Avoiding the phenomenon of inevitable death may lead to an undesirable second harlf of life.

second harlf of life, which begins in the 50s to 60s, the peak performance period of life, and ends with death, presents a wide variety of aspects and individual differences.

From conception to birth, biological changes occur almost daily in all individuals, but differences after birth, especially after becoming adults, are perhaps the most significant among all living organisms on Earth.

The term “parent lottery” implies that the quality and quantity of opportunities given after birth are determined by the parents’ economic power and mindset. However, I feel that there is also an implication that everything is the same before birth, or at least that’s what Rikutsu-Kone-Taro feels.

Perhaps it’s overthinking.

By the way, from the parents’ perspective, they might also call it “child lottery,” but fortunately, I have never encountered such a term.

There is still hope in this world.

Now, it is widely known that humans eventually die.

However, very few people have ever tried to reverse-engineer life based on that fact.

The reason for this is probably that Japanese people traditionally shun death.

Death is seen as something so undesirable that it shouldn’t even be spoken about. It seems like a phenomenon to be avoided as much as possible.

It’s considered unlucky… that kind of thing.

On the other hand, people in other countries, especially monotheistic individuals, seem to talk about death more casually than Japanese people.

Perhaps religion provides some understanding of the afterlife and considers death as just one of the passages of the soul.

Many religions even teach how to live in this world in order to go to the desired world after death.

Some promise that if certain procedures are followed before death, one will go to heaven, for example.

While it may not be accurate to say that Japan has no religion, it seems that the mythological world and modern history that connects to Japan’s origins have almost ceased to be taught, perhaps due to post-war public education.

The Japanese view of life and death is that death is something to be shunned, a source of fear, and the first step in spending an eternity in a world full of pain called hell, depending on one’s actions during life.

Therefore, some people may choose to adopt an attitude of “ignoring” death, even though they know they will die.

It’s just Rikutsu-Kone-Taro’s opinion, but death is a return to nothingness, and I think it’s the first event in a series of processes where various physiological substances related to life return to non-individual molecules or atoms.

There is an expression “return to nature,” which is probably exactly that first phenomenon.

So, heaven and hell are fictional stories unrelated to death, in my opinion.

Therefore, Rikutsu-Kone-Taro feels no fear of death except for the pain that may accompany it. Because he feels no fear of death, he can carefully consider designing his second harlf of life to end at the peak performance period of life.

It would be a very fortunate thing to reach the peak performance period of life and realize it.

During the process of reaching that point, there are also many people who unfortunately have to leave this world unwillingly.

Views on life and death have a significant impact on the design of second harlf of life. Throughout history, religion, philosophy, and thought have considered death in various ways.

To design second harlf of life skillfully, it may be a good idea to seek clues from views on life and death by studying religion and philosophy from a third-party perspective. Especially recommended are religions that have been passed down from antiquity to the present.

Death will inevitably come. It would be optimal to decide and design second harlf of life to end with death during the peak performance period of life. I hope you will design a second harlf of life that you can be satisfied with by nurturing a view of life and death that satisfies you.

By the way, as mentioned earlier, life is uncertain due to various events. It is possible to estimate the probabilities of multiple events that can occur due to uncertain reality, arrange them chronologically, and scenarioize them, and simulate them in Excel. This is a method called Monte Carlo simulation.

Even in Excel, which is implemented in Windows used by many people, it can be relatively easily done once you get used to it, so it can be used as a guideline for designing second harlf of life. There is a slightly more detailed explanation on the “Here” page of the content on this site, so please click on it.

If you want to study more concretely, click on “Here” or “Here” or “Here”.

That’s all for now.

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